Friday, November 27, 2009

Top 10 Popular DSLRS

For all of you implantologists out there in the market for a DSLR here is an interesting article !
For the entire article click on the link below.

Top 10 Popular DSLRS: "
Popular-DSLRs.jpgThe question I’m being asked on a daily basis at the moment is – ‘what camera should I buy?’ Obviously cameras are on many people’s wishlists this Christmas!

I’m planning to update our Popular Digital Cameras and Gear page here on DPS in the coming week to help answer the question but thought I’d do a quick post looking specifically at what’s hot at the moment when it comes to DSLRs (as this is what many of those asking questions are focusing upon).

Note: it’s a particularly good time to buy a digital camera. Most online stores have Black Friday sales on at the moment. Here’s Amazon’s Camera sale (they’re updating it every day) and B&H also seem to have a lot of specials on at the moment.

What’s Hot in DSLRs?


The Equinox E-Commerce Site is Up and Running.

Equinox the manufacturers of Uniti(TM) implants and various other products in the Cubit, Endomax, Regenium, Lynx and InSci range of products have set up a web portal and e-commerce site for Equinox products at Equinox Sales. The portal is impressive and well designed with a variety of features that will keep a dentist coming back. You can also order Equinox products online 24 x 7 . Register on the site if you haven't already !

Luxators,Periotomes and other Magic Wands - II

Luxators are probably the best kept secret in dentistry.Luxators are manufactured by SDI Directa that makes numerous other innovative and excellent products for restorative and surgical dentistry.
The Luxator at it's simplest is a fine sharp blade and tooth elevator combination manufactured from the finest Swedish Steel .

To quote from the Directa website"Luxator Extraction Instruments are a specially designed periodontal ligament knife with a fine tapering blade that compresses the alveolar, thus cutting the membrane to enable the dentist to gently ease the tooth from its socket.
Luxator Extraction Instruments were invented and designed by a Swedish dentist to make extractions as trauma free as possible."
There are a variety of options available although I have found the standard design pictured above to be the best
Some personal observations on luxator use
  • The thin straight grey luxator is the most useful when extracting anterior teeth.
  • When using a luxator in the anterior region avoid using it on the labial. Use only on the proximal and palatal.
  • Go between the root and the socket wall wedging the luxator in an apical direction.
  • Go slow.
  • Protect against slipping of the luxator and injuring soft tissue.
  • In multirooted teeth, separate the roots with a bur and then use a luxator.
  • You can mallet the luxator with  light taps.
  • Sharpen the luxator blades when the blade becomes blunt on the sharpening stone provided.
  • Available in India from Pyrax Exports or your local distributor.
As always I have no financial interest whatsoever in this recommendation.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Sample Consent Form For Implant Surgery

Here is a simple sample consent form for implant surgery. You may modify it and use it as you deem fit. Please understand that I assume no legal liability for it's use. Please take appropriate legal counsel when using it. !