The last few weeks of the year gone by were very busy and hectic. With lectures and courses in Ahmedabad ,Kolkatta and at our training centre in Mumbai and a quick family vacation in South India thrown in in between, I had no time to post to Implant Sutra.
First "A Very Happy New Year filled with Successful Implants" to all our readers.
My new years gift to myself was a brilliant headlight from Medled sold by Alvelogro. The actual details of the light itself are here but basically it is a brilliant white light that fits snugly on the head, is very light and lasts atleast 4 hours. It is so bright that I don't need to set it at more than half the intensity.
This is a wonderful light specially when working under magnification (when the chair light is generally inadequate). At US$700+ it is a bit steep but worth every rupee.
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